• 尊龙凯时(中国区)人生就是搏!

    Stock code:300323.sz
    Intelligent Lighting in a Northern Australian City to Reduces Energy Consumption and Costs

    In recent years, the construction of “smart cities” around the world has been launched. As an important part, smart lighting plays an important role in smart cities.

     It is reported that recently, Darwin in northern Australia is about to adopt a smart street lighting system throughout the city, replacing nearly 10,000 lamps on streets and the public lighting network with wirelessly connected LEDs.

     These luminaires will be controlled by a central management system (CMS), which reportedly can save energy and maintenance costs and turn the lamp poles into “hubs” of smart city sensors, which can automatically report failures and improve service quality.

    Scott Waters, chief executive of Darwin, said, “Key infrastructure projects such as street and public lighting require the highest standards to ensure reliability and value for money... With this system, Darwin can improve street lighting services and reduce costs, to provide a safer, smarter, and more effective environment for our community.”

     Palmerston of Australia also has adopted an intelligent street lighting system and carried outa  LED street lamp upgrade project.

